Helping foster a love of reading in local Children's Ward

Allana with her son.Allana with her son.
Allana with her son.
Children receiving treatment at NHS Western Isles' Children's Ward (Medical Ward 1) are benefiting from a range of books, which have kindly been donated by Allana Islei, Usborne Independent Organiser.

Allana who lives in Cawdor but is originally from Tarbert, and whose mother Dona Johnson is from Harris and father Donald MacKenzie is from Lewis, decided to donate the books to Western Isles Hospital so other children would benefit during their stay, after her son Sebastian was born in Western Isles Hospital’s Maternity Ward and was also nursed back to health in the hospital’s Children’s Ward after an illness at 8 months.

Allana said: “I started working from home at the beginning of November after Sebastian had started attending nursery.

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“I have a love of children’s books and as a parent buy a number of books which, as a family, we all enjoy together.”

Kathryn Morrison, Children’s Ward Staff Nurse, said: “The gift of children’s books to the ward has been so valuable as a form of distraction for the children who have to be admitted.

“The books related to being in hospital in particular will be useful in helping to explain things to the younger children.”