Looking to score a new football pitch for North Tolsta

The old pitch in North Tolsta could soon be replaced with an all-weather surface and flood lights.The old pitch in North Tolsta could soon be replaced with an all-weather surface and flood lights.
The old pitch in North Tolsta could soon be replaced with an all-weather surface and flood lights.
Football could soon be coming home to Tolsta if plans for a new all-weather pitch get the go ahead.

North Tolsta Community Council has submitted plans to the Comhairle for the new, flood-lit pitch and multi-use games areas with changing facilities to replace the existing but derelict park.

But if the bid is successful, the developers then face the task of raising £0.5m to make their plans a reality.

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Angus ‘Charlton’ Murray of the Community Council said: “The original Tolsta pitch was made in the 70s with a grant from Ross and Cromarty Council, the only proviso being that it had to be close to the school. In truth, it was never the best location and there have been problems with it of one kind or another throughout the years. But it was the scene of many good memories, particularly in the 70s and 80s.

“Tolsta FC folded in 1988 but the pitch continued to be played on sporadically up to 2004, we think, for the Eilean an Fhraoich Cup and such as like. The original pitch is regulation length but due to drainage problems the breadth is not regulation.

“In later years the pitch also had a high perimeter fence (still there) which was to stop guys from blootering the ball out of play and down a steep hill. This proved no impediment to some players however who could effortlessly clear the fence with a sclaff or two.

“Our next step will be sourcing funding, but that’s not insurmountable, and I guess the work starts now.”

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